Does it seem like it’s Christmas every frickin’ six weeks or is that just me?
It’s just such a lot of….well…bother!
Am I the Grinch?
*sigh* …Probably.
If this is your first (or one of your first) vegan Christmases; you may have a few concerns about how time spent with family and friends is going to pan out in light of your food choices.
It’s true that Christmas CAN sometimes present new vegans with a particular set of dilemmas.
I hope I’ve covered most of them here:
How do you navigate non-vegan family dinners?
I wrote a pretty comprehensive piece on this last year. Hope it helps!
As a vegan, should you even ATTEND non-vegan family dinners?
This is totally your call.
You are no less vegan if you do.
I get that it might be upsetting for some people, but it can also be an opportunity to wow the fam with some gorge food you made to bring and share.
A big obstacle to people going vegan is that they think the food will be boring and bland, so this can be an opportunity to prove to skeptical animal-munchers that the opposite is true.
If YOU are hosting Christmas, should you offer non-vegan food options?
In my opinion? Hell no. Your house = your prerogative. Why would you compromise your values?
However, you MUST offer lots of amazing plant-based food, to stop anyone whining about the fact that there’s no meat.
Look – you’re hosting – so you’re gonna be committed to a certain amount of kitchen time in any case. Try and find some extra-spesh, beautiful looking dishes that will excite the eyes and taste buds of even the grizzliest meat-eater.
Good food is good food. If it tastes great – they’ve got nothing to complain about!
I found some pretty cool ideas here and here.
What do you do if someone buys you a non-vegan gift?
Hmmmm. I have to say I think I would just be gracious about this.
It’s a gift. Their intention was good.
If you say you don’t want the gift and try to explain why...I mean…I just can’t see that turning out well.
If the gift is a leather or wool product, you can always make sure that you communicate effectively during the following year that your veganism includes not wearing animal products so that people get the message and it doesn’t happen again.
As for the gift? If it’s a leather, suede or wool product, I’d probably give it to a charity shop. It’s already been bought – and it can’t just dissolve or evaporate – so it may as well not go to waste.
If it’s a non-vegan food gift?
This one is difficult. Personally I couldn’t give it to some else – because I know how harmful animal products are health-wise and I couldn’t give to anyone else what I wouldn’t eat myself.
On the odd occasion when someone has unwittingly bought me non-vegan chocolate, it’s actually just stayed in my cupboard until its gone bad, such is my cluelessness about what to do in this situation.
How do you make vegan mince-pies
BLEEEEEEEEECCHHHH! I can help you go vegan and blow your mind with a ton of insights and inspiration to help you STAY vegan, but I cannot tell you how to make a vegan mince pie.
I always HATED those things and found them disGUSting. What even IS that mince shizzle made from?
I really don’t know.
I do not have the mince pie gene.
I found this recipe, if it helps, but I have not tried it and have no intention of doing so, so I can’t tell you if it’s good. Looks pretty legit though, if you like that sort of thing…
Is it ok to buy friends and family vegan cookbooks?
I say yes – if it’s a great quality cookbook. If it has lots of mouthwatering pics and engaging recipes, why not? Like I said in a previous point – good food is good food, and a good cookbook is a good cookbook, vegan or no.
What do you leave for Santa by the chimney/back door?
Um, a glass of almond or soy milk and some vegan cookies? We don’t want Santa to eat saturated fat and cholesterol and die of a heart attack or diabetes-related complications do we boys and girls?
And not meaning to fat-shame Santa, but he’s portly enough already if truth be told 🙂
I wish you all a relaxing and joyful holiday period, whatever you’re doing. And don’t forget, any rubbish presents – regift or repurpose 🙂